Elevator shoes should be maintained well for them to serve you long. There are different practices you should adhere to for your shoes to last as long as they can. What most people do not know is shoes should be taken proper care of just like any other machine or item. Besides, there are practices to forego if at all you want long lasting shoes. The big question is how do you maintain shoes?
Below are some tips you can utilize to make your www.guidomaggi.com elevator shoes last long.
- Rotate your shoes
This is one of the easiest ways to shield your shoes from accelerated wear and tear. You will need a number of pairs to accomplish this. Rotation gives your shoes space to breath and feels fresh again. When you wear the same shoes over and over again, they tend to wear and tear faster as well as start to feel old.
It is assumed you do not wash or clean your shoes enough if you wear them repeatedly. That only accelerates the rate at which these shoes go bad. You should give them enough time to be washed and to breathe. Wearing them in turns will give your shoes space for cleaning.
- Avoid bumpy paths
The places you walk on also determine your shoes’ lifespan. Elevator shoes are built in a unique way. Besides, some of them are very costly to buy which call for caution when walking on them.
Regularly using bumpy roads may start poking holes on your soles. This gives room for water to penetrate through these tiny holes. After that happens, the liquid starts to weaken the fabric used to make these shoes. In the end, the sole and upper part of the shoes starts to disintegrate and wear and at accelerated speeds.
- Keep your shoes in dry places
Water is only good to your shoes when cleaning them. Otherwise, H2O will only harm your shoes if you allow interaction. Keeping your shoes away from wetness is a clever way to maintain them. The only time water (limited) shoes come close to your shoes is when you want to clean them. Even then, you should minimize the amount of water coming in contact with your soles.
The shoes’ inner sole have a high water retention rate. Therefore, the more water they come into contact with the higher the amount of water they may retain. When this happens, your shoes start to give out a bad odor.
- Use matching color shoe polish
Official elevator shoes require you to polish them every time you want to wear them. It is a proper practice to use matching color shoe polish whenever you’re polishing your shoes. Using different colors will spoil your shoes as well as ruin the appearance. On the other hand, using the correct color polish will make your shoes appear brand new every other time.
Some people underestimate the power of polishing shoes. You shouldn’t! Polishing your shoes is one of the best ways to maintain your shoes. You should also do this correctly.
There are times your shoes get exposed to dust or even water. When they do, ensure you have them cleaned before applying the shoes polish. It is not a good idea to apply shoe polish on dusty or wet elevator shoes.
- Dry your shoes
There is a lot that happens when we have our shoes on. Some people wear shoes without socks. At the same time, we sweat when we have our shoes on. For that reason, the shoes become wet and may start to smell. If this is done repeatedly without care, your shoes may have a permanent bad smell that may never go away. To avoid this, you should regularly dry your shoes.
Whenever you get your shoes off, put them out in open air with some heat to get them dry. This will ensure they are fresh and foul smell free the next time you put them on. As a result, you will walk around comfortably and happily. The worst thing you can do is walk around with smelly and rusty shoes. Your confidence goes down tremendously as well as you create unnecessary attention.
- Waterproof your shoes
You should have your shoes waterproofed to keep them safe from extreme weather conditions. There are different alternatives you could use to achieve this. For instance, the waterproofing spray is a good option for you. Whenever you’re sure you’ll be getting exposure to water, cold or extreme heat, you can spray the waterproofing agent on your shoes. This will shield your shoes from premature breakages and accelerated wear and tear.
Some people do not take shoe maintenance seriously. For that reason, they end up spending more on new shoes purchases. These individuals seem not to understand the benefits of shoes maintenance. Below are some of these benefits.
Benefits of Shoe Maintenance
- Saves you money
Shoe maintenance will save you money. Maintaining your shoes will keep them fit for usage for the longest time possible. As a result, you will be saved from regular shoe purchases. In the long run you will realize your shoe buying budget had been significantly reduced.
- Comfort
One of the easiest ways to make your shoes comfortable is through proper maintenance. For instance, drying shoes keeps them away from wetness. There is nothing as uncomfortable as wearing wet shoes as far as shoes are concerned. Such shoes tend to smell and are generally not proper to wear.
- Durability
This is one of the sole purposes of maintaining shoes. The more you perform shoe maintenance the more life you add to your shoes. As a result, they will serve longer. This will come with additional benefits.
Other than comfort and durability, shoe maintenance will help you save money. There are simple ways of doing maintenance including but not limited to regular drying and shoe rotation. Regular maintenance will help you enjoy walking around in your www.guidomaggi.it elevator shoes.

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