The use of technology makes life easier and bring revolution in different sectors. In the education industry, the use of technology plays a vital role. It is common to hear about the eLearning and use of digital platforms in education. It brings a little change in the traditional education approach and transforms the methods of teaching. Due to the epidemic of COVID-19, the educational institutes around the globe prefer to switch the traditional ways of education to eLearning.
The use of digital technology in education is not just for a change but for improvement. It is one of highlighting discussions that offer opportunities to explore much more and for a better understanding of things. As the debate of qualitative vs quantitative research continues, the difference and impact of eLearning cannot be separated from traditional education.
Traditional learning
Before we move towards digital learning and explore more about its benefits and role, it is necessary to have an overview of traditional learning.
Traditional learning is commonly referring to classroom learning. In which students sit in the classroom and the teacher comes up with the lectures. The main and ultimate source of the information for the students is the teacher standing in the class. All candidates will receive the same level of information with a similar technique and interest. There is not a concern for major teachers that the information they are providing to the students is well informing or beneficial for them or not.
In the traditional learning system notebooks, writing, and verbal material of sharing the educational content or much more included. The practicing material is the common thing that uses for education and learning.
e-Learning approach
It is a new phase of learning and delivery of education is the e-learning or the digital learning technique. Digital technology like computer systems, the internet, and other relevant technology sources uses for education. It offers a wide information system with an open sharing system. Usually online lectures, video study material, illustrations, and visual instruction methods or resources refer to e-Learning.
According to the research, it is one of the effective and influential methods to spread education. Moreover, students feel more interactive and engage with the topics through the visual techniques of sharing knowledge. The institutions prefer to hire professional instructors for better education and according to the student’s interest. With technology, it is easier to cover the large horizon and explore the multiple educational and learning methods.
e-Learning and traditional education: which is more effective?
In general, people are more comfortable with the traditional education system. As it gives the opportunity to freely share things with the other classmates and ask teachers to clear the confusion. But technology brings changes and advancement in our routine or learning attitudes. It provides the source to explore new horizons to improve the knowledge and better understanding of the concepts and much more.
e-learning or the digital way of education is better than the traditional system. It provides the grip to cover the multiple topics in less time and provide a clearer visual approach towards the things. If the video or visual lectures and material are provided by the institution to the student, then it is easier to answer the questions and follow the direction that leads to success.
On the other hand, students have more exposure to approach the professional and experts to get an understanding of the concepts. Digital technology or system improve self-learning and spread education for everyone.
The traditional learning system requires the proper setup and systems for in-house education but e-learning does not require a complete huge setup. In contrast, eLearning is effective with easy spread than traditional learning. Without any time, restrictions, subject boundary, and topic specification a person can get the maximum benefit from the eLearning system. For the traditional learning system, it requires the proper time, schedule, and has to follow the crowd in a particular subject.
Multiple things change the approach towards traditional and eLearning. Here are some factors that help to understand the change:
Physical interaction
Traditional learning considers interactive methods for students and teachers. A person will visit the college or university on daily basis at a particular time that increases interaction. But on the other hand, it will restrict the usage and exposure that for the teacher it impossible to respond and treat every student at the same level.
But with the eLearning, overall interaction increases, and students feel more comfortable asking questions, share problems, and communicate directly with professors.
Digital learning or sources make education easier for almost everyone. Those who are doing jobs and want to continue the education part-time can continue it with online classes. It is not time bounded and students can take lectures and prepare notes anytime with the use of a digital way.
Offer opportunities
The digital learning methods bring opportunities to learn a lot and explore new horizons of knowledge. Through social media, online research journals, and libraries it is easier to find out the topic related material. It saves hassle and students will not struggle to go library for the study of the book. Moreover, e-Learning allows them to study in a group, share academics material, and much more.
As compared to traditional learning, eLearning is cost effective and efficient. There is no need for the classrooms, particular timings, and set up for education. With digital technology and online classrooms, it is easier to spread education inside areas where the physical setups are not possible to develop easily. Moreover, it offers high flexibility in the advancement and growth of the education sector.
Final consideration!
The traditional education system is running in our society for a long time. but with digital technology, the systems are modified. eLearning becomes important and change the perception towards the traditional education system. It offers more interactive knowledge sharing techniques and scope to do explore more information without spending much time and hassle. Even traditional schooling incorporating the eLearning methods and techniques to save cost and to improve the education quality.
Author bio: James Ocklay is a writer and content marketer at Cognizantt work on many projects like Research Prospect, famous for his dissertation writing services in the UK. He helps many students in dissertation writing. Avid football fan and sports enthusiasts. He also loves to read and write about new things and trends.

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